Acklam Lodge was originally set up shortly after the Second World War. This was during the boom years of Freemasonry with a bias towards the maritime life of Middlesbrough. At that time the docks, shipbuilding yards and the wharves were being worked to the limit of their capacities. Other professions were not debarred and the Lodge had some very able and competent members from the engineering and commercial life of Middlesbrough.
In 1946 also saw the return of those servicemen who had served their country during the war. It was clear to Lodge founders that the town was in need of another Lodge. To that end they set out to form a new Lodge to be named ‘Acklam Lodge’, taking the name of that district of Middlesbrough belonging in the past to the Hustler family which merited a mention in the Domesday Book!
The Coat of Arms of the Hustler family was adopted as the Lodge Crest. The motto:
“Aut nunquarm tentes aut perfice” has been translated as “Nothing but perfection will do” although it has argued by latter philosophers that it could also mean “Do not start something unless you are prepared to finish it”
The Consecration of the Lodge was held in the Cleveland Technical Institute and was conducted by the Most Hon The Marquess of Zetland, the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, assisted by W Bro Sir William Crosthwaite, PGD Assistant Provincial Grand Master. There were 191 members present at the Ceremony, including 121 visitors. The first Worshipful Master was W Bro John Thompson, a past master of North York Lodge. The new Lodge had 36 Founding members.
Thus Acklam Lodge, No. 6248, came into being in 1946. At the first meeting of the Lodge Mr. Albert Wastell was initiated and went on to serve as WM in 1960.
The current newest member was initiated in September 2023.
The first summons and list of Lodge Officers meeting on the 12th April 1946 at 18.30.